Next Fractional QR code

Next Fractional QR codeBuilding a tool that allows customers to self-steer and purchase services online brings big revenue gains for NEXT partners 

A few months ago, we wrote about our successful execution of a microsite retail strategy for a major international telecom brand. Today, we’d like to drill down and focus on a small but powerful piece of that overall strategy, examining the way NEXT can create flexible technology solutions for specific needs and adapt them for new clients and new uses. In the case of the telecom microsite strategy, our MarTech team developed an AI-enabled QR Scheduler to generate sales after hours or when no agent is available. This QR Scheduler has proven to be a powerful tool in the overall marketing strategy. 

As the business world adapts to a post-pandemic reality of labor force shortages and changes in consumer habits, NEXT is ready to provide the tools your business needs to ensure consistent robust sales. 


You’ve surely seen those funny little combinations of black and white squares all around you, and if you’ve got a smartphone, you’ve probably used a QR code recently. From restaurant menus to billboards to that Coinbase Superbowl commercial that crashed the company’s app, QR codes are quickly becoming a standard part of any reasonably tech-savvy person’s life.

QR stands for Quick Response, and a QR code is a type of matrix bar code invented by a Japanese auto company in 1994 to enable quick access to information for labeling or other purposes. Although the QR code was initially used in the manufacturing process to track vehicles, their usage has evolved and they are often used in consumer marketing applications today. Most often, companies use QR codes to drive customers to their website or a specific online application. Our team, however, devised a tool that takes QR application to the next level, pairing it with Artificial Intelligence to create a truly responsive solution that drives sales whenever the customer is ready to interact, regardless of store hours or staff availability.   


When engaged by the telecom giant, our objective was to drive increased revenue by providing every consumer an easy way to self-steer and purchase their services–online, on the phone, via chat, or in-person. We would do this by leveraging each retail partner’s brand recognition and NEXT’s innovative digital and digital-leveraged tactics.


Faced with staffing challenges at the retail partner locations, we needed to develop an easy and intuitive way for customers to connect with the telecom provider even when a sales agent wasn’t available. We didn’t want the customers to simply land on a static informational webpage; we wanted them to connect in a way that would allow them to complete the transaction on their terms, at a time and place that was convenient for them. 


NEXT’s MarTech experts built the QR Scheduler tool to enable that personalized yet automated sales connection point. The tool—in conjunction with traditional signage and phone and text options—allows customers shopping in big box retailers to engage with the telecom’s services and products on their own time, at their own convenience. After scanning the code, the customer receives a customized message asking them to opt in to a communication model that uses AI to interact with the customer and drive them towards a sale. The communication is immediate, intuitive, and easy to use. 


The following exchange represents a typical customer interaction using the QR Scheduler technology. This connection initiates when the customer scans the QR code on site in the store. If the customer prefers not to continue the chat, they can easily opt out, and they will not be contacted again unless they opt in again.


QR Scheduler 2

QR Scheduler 3

The communication is intuitive, flexible, and allows the customer to control the interaction at all points.


Our team had an intimate knowledge of the macro-level challenge and the micro-level solutions that would allow us to execute a successful sales strategy. They were able to build a tool that not only seamlessly integrated into the nationwide marketing strategy for this telecom company, but was also flexible and powerful enough to adapt to other needs. We’re currently successfully implementing the same technology for new clients in new industries.  

If you think your business could use the QR Scheduling technology, let’s talk. Scan or click on this code to set up an appointment with us! 

Next Fractional QR code

We look forward to showing you all the ways NEXT executives can help you take your business to the next level. 


Next Fractional Microsite Retail Strategy

Next Fractional Microsite Retail StrategyImplementing a Microsite Retail Strategy For a Telecommunications Giant Delivers Major Impact

When the world’s largest telecom brand needed to make a major change to their digital retail strategy, NEXT and partners helped implement a surprisingly micro solution. The NEXT team successfully built out a network of co-branded microsites with the telecom’s big-box retail partners to drive increased digital engagement and sales.


A microsite is an individual web page—or a small cluster of pages—meant to function as a discrete entity within an existing website or as a complementary but separate online presence. In this case, the microsites allow the telecom company to market their internet and wireless packages to diverse customer audiences through major big-box retail partners. Each site is co-branded with the relevant partner and delivers targeted messaging and conversion opportunities. 


Faced with low digital sales from major retail partners, a global telecom brand needed a partner to build and maintain microsites and implement online buy flow. 


The digital sales strategy for internet and wireless includes partnerships with many of the largest big box retailers in the nation. Each partnership requires co-branded pages with information and marketing offers that change rapidly and need constant content updates. The big box retailers don’t have the staff available to keep up with the changes and maintain the sites. 


NEXT got to work assembling a curated team with the right expertise, then built a robust microsite program that keeps every page properly branded and up to date with current offers. Leveraging our MarTech experts in tandem with content and operations specialists, we built a dynamic site that allows the telecom and all of their national retail partners to have a cohesive but customized digital presence. In addition, we built and manage a call center to handle the increased phone traffic and instituted seamless online ordering for all telecom services across all co-branded sites. Finally, we created media plans for joint telecom/retailer marketing campaigns, and we’re managing these campaigns on an ongoing basis. The program that began with national retailers has since extended into emerging markets, commercial operations, and Multi Dwelling Units (MDUs).

Based on the initial success of the microsite implementation, our role has expanded to include:

  • Managing the relationship between the telecom company and the retail partners, setting the strategy, tactics, and direction for the digital presence. 
  • Working with the digital presence of in-store telecom staff within the national retail locations.
  • Building a training and contest app for telecom call centers to foster education and productive and fun competition.
  • Driving the in-app experience for mobile phone customers who use the telecom’s pre-installed app. 


In this situation, the global telecom needed a team that could bring a targeted focus and a specific skill set to the table. Instead of trying to find and train a collection of current or new employees, smart outsourcing was the most efficient and optimal move. NEXT was able to immediately assemble a team of experts with the experience, the expertise, and the bandwidth to execute a successful microsite program without disrupting the normal flow of business for the telecom or the national retailers. In addition to being the best in the business at their individual jobs, NEXT team members are also highly skilled at assimilating into existing teams and workflows as well as building connections between disparate groups and organizations. We were able to immediately implement a solution that worked for all parties without drawing any resources away from core business operations for either partner.


Our microsite knowledge base is large and growing every day, and we continue to expand our successful strategies into new markets. NEXT is now working with additional large retailers—including the nation’s largest solar company and a major national entertainment company—to implement similar successful microsite programs. 


We look forward to leveraging the unique talents of our team to deliver flawless execution for retailers across the nation that could benefit from a microsite strategy. And microsites are just one area of expertise for our NEXT professionals—we’ve got the talent to tackle any challenge your business is facing. 

If your business could use some targeted help from a team of seasoned executives on a fractional basis, let’s talk! We’ll do a quick and painless video chat to assess your needs, hand select some great talent recommendations, and get you started on the path to world domination.




PRIME Corporate Services

Prime logo horizontal

PRIME Corporate Services takes their business to the NEXT level

PRIME Corporate Services (PRIME) is a rapidly growing financial services company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. PRIME offers business formation advisory, accounting and tax, and financial planning services to small businesses and entrepreneurs around the country. They employ a team of experts in each field to provide comprehensive client support for businesses across a broad spectrum of industries, and leverage partner relationships to build their client base.


PRIME called on NEXT to help them optimize their already successful business, reaching more potential clients, increasing conversion rates, and growing their book of business.


We assembled a team to assess PRIME’s existing marketing efforts and implement strategies for growth and optimization. The team included leadership executives for tactical strategy and oversight, MarTech and SEO experts, reporting and analytics specialists, financial writers, and project management specialists. NEXT leadership also reached outside the organization to identify a strategic partner to help with branding. 


Our team of fractional executives reviewed every aspect of PRIME’s digital marketing strategy—from the website to email campaigns, social media, and partnership relationships. Working seamlessly with the PRIME team, we established a Book of Business (BOB), optimized Google Analytics by implementing appointment tracking, leveraged the Google Optimize functionality to conduct split tests, and overhauled the website and email campaigns.


Conversions and a KPI Anomaly

By dialing in with targeted analytics with the BOB, we were able to analyze visits, bookings, and types of sales for each PRIME partner on a weekly basis. Drilling into the data and testing different versions of the site’s landing pages,  we quickly noticed a KPI anomaly.  Most of the landing pages contained a marketing video that PRIME had been using for some time, but a small number of our test pages did not use the video. Although we expected the video to increase conversion rates, we found the exact opposite—customers who saw the landing pages without the video converted at a 39% higher rate.  


We took this information and dove into a more detailed test campaign, testing variants with and without video as well as different combinations of verbiage, layout, and graphics. Our testing brought us to an optimized landing page that generates a 5-8 point increase in scheduled appointments without any change in site traffic. This translates to 40-50 consulting appointments booked per week for PRIME with no additional expenses.

Website Performance and SEO Deep Dive

NEXT SEO experts audited the entire site to assess and optimize for upcoming Google changes. We implemented a hosting move to increase performance and position the site to meet Google standards now and in the future. In addition, we created a Technical SEO Tracker, created an SEO growth strategy with page optimization analysis, and completed a keyword analysis review.  In conjunction with the SEO review, we also audited the entire site to ensure consistent messaging and add relevant content. On an ongoing basis, our content specialists are providing content on a weekly basis to increase reader engagement and SEO performance. 


Our partnership has been pivotal in guiding PRIME Corporate Services through the development of their own skilled internal team, actively participating in the transition to ensure a seamless handover of digital marketing functions. As we continue to collaborate with PRIME, our role has evolved to providing strategic support on specialized projects. Our bond with PRIME Corporate Services remains strong, characterized by our ongoing commitment to their success and a shared vision for the future.

ABSC Organics

ABSC OrganicsABSC Organics Finds eCommerce Success with NEXT Fractional

Applied Basic Science Corporation (ABSC Organics) is a small Colorado-based company dedicated to clinical research on the therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) for pets. Their proprietary premium CBD oil products have gone through multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials at Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, making them the most rigorously tested and trialed veterinary CBD products on the market. 


ABSC Organics engaged NEXT to help increase conversion rates for their e-Commerce efforts. The company distributes their premium pet CBD oil products almost entirely through online sales.


NEXT developed a strategic marketing plan to highlight ABSC’s unique market position as the leader in clinical research for science-based CBD pet therapies. This plan included increased social media and email engagement, an SEO site audit,  the development of robust site content, and implementation of a referral program and other e-commerce tools. Most importantly, we established a CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) testing environment to hone in on the optimal combination of messaging and strategy. 


Through these efforts, NEXT improved customer engagement and increased ABSC’s online-conversion rate by over 250%.

NEXT was proud to partner with ABSC to help increase their conversion rates and improve customer engagement. Looking for help with your eCommerce sales and marketing efforts? Our NEXT fractional executives can work seamlessly with your team to help you beat your sales targets faster and more efficiently. Talk to us today to learn more!

Google My Business Timeline Evolution Infographic

Tracking Google’s evolution towards a zero-click social platform disguised as a search platform.

At NEXT, we think it’s important to anticipate the future of digital marketing by understanding and contextualizing the rapid evolution we’ve witnessed in the last few years. Recently, our SEO guru Dwayne Hogan put together a timeline analysis of one of the most important evolutions we’ve seen—Google’s shift from Google+ to Google My Business (GMB). In his timeline, Dwayne makes the case that Google+ was the precursor to Google My Business and that GMB is a social platform disguised as a search platform. Recognizing that Google’s ultimate goal is to create zero-click searches and keep traffic within their own ecosystem enables us to optimize digital marketing strategies for our clients now and position ourselves well for the future. This is important and relevant work, so we wanted to share his insights with all of our NEXT friends and clients.

Google My Business Timeline Evolution Infographic

Google My Business/Local Search Timeline

Google Launches “Google Local”

Date: March 2004


The original intent of Google Local was to be a direct competitor to Yellow Pages and Yelp. Primarily a directory of local businesses integrated into Search.

Google Local Pizza Search Results


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. March 17, 2004 – Google Inc. today announced the integration of local search results into with the availability of Google Local. This new feature enables users to find relevant local information with neighborhood business listings, maps, directions, and useful web pages. (source)

Google Launches Google+

Date: June 2011


Before Facebook and Twitter, Google was the Internet. When you thought of the Internet, you thought of Google. Thus, Google had all of the attention and traffic.

However, as Facebook and Twitter began to grow, Google recognized that the attention of Internet users began to split between them and social media networks. Also, unlike users of Google Search, when users went to Facebook and Twitter, they stayed on Facebook and Twitter. Social media sites were designed to keep you on the platform as long as possible.

Google+ was the first product built by Google in direct reaction to a competitor and changing consumer habits.



“That March [in 2010], [Google executive] Urs Hölzle sounded an alarm that evoked Bill Gates’s legendary 1995 “Internet Sea Change” missive to his minions at Microsoft. Just as the internet threatened Microsoft back then, in 2010, the sea change to a more people-oriented internet — social media — was becoming a problem for Google. Hölzle said that the challenge required a decisive and substantial response, involving a significant deployment of personnel — right away.” (source)


“In its forays into other areas, like phones, videos, maps, applications, and operating systems, Google had not acted in response to competition. If it had a good idea, it simply pursued it, no matter who was occupying the space. This project was more strategic, even conventional. ‘It’s a good thing that Google is putting its weight behind social networking, but it’s reactive self-interest, not from a place of idealism,’ said one key team member. ‘It’s not Google at its best, which is truly, truly pioneering. Whereas this thing is clearly more of a reaction to Facebook.’” (source)


“[Google search engineer Amit] Singhal spoke passionately about how the internet was increasingly organized around people, urging Google to dramatically expand its focus to create a hub of personalization and social activity. Singhal believed that Facebook not only was ahead in that realm, but, worse, it was building an alternative internet with itself in the center.” (source)

Google Builds the Knowledge Graph

Date: May 2012


This is the transformation of Google from a Search Engine to a Knowledge Engine. 

Google’s mission is to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Before Google+ and the Knowledge Graph, Google primarily focused on organizing web pages. With the Knowledge Graph, Google begins organizing information about people, places, and things, not just web pages.

Now, you can search the word “pizza” on a mobile phone in downtown Salt Lake City and receive a list of the best pizza restaurants nearby. Before the Knowledge Graph, you may receive a list of pizza restaurants or a recipe for pizza.



“Take a query like [taj mahal]. For more than four decades, search has essentially been about matching keywords to queries. To a search engine the words [taj mahal] have been just that—two words. But we all know that [taj mahal] has a much richer meaning. You might think of one of the world’s most beautiful monuments, or a Grammy Award-winning musician, or possibly even a casino in Atlantic City, NJ. Or, depending on when you last ate, the nearest Indian restaurant. It’s why we’ve been working on an intelligent model—in geek-speak, a “graph”—that understands real-world entities and their relationships to one another: things, not strings.”  (source)


“The Knowledge Graph enables you to search for things, people or places that Google knows about—landmarks, celebrities, cities, sports teams, buildings, geographical features, movies, celestial objects, works of art and more—and instantly get information that’s relevant to your query. This is a critical first step towards building the next generation of search, which taps into the collective intelligence of the web and understands the world a bit more like people do.” (source)


“Google told us that the new local search algorithm [Pigeon] ties deeper into their web search capabilities, including the hundreds of ranking signals they use in web search along with search features such as Knowledge Graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more.” (source)

Google Launches Google My Business

Date: June 2014


Google continues to invest in local search with Google My Business (GMB). Instead of businesses having to manage their search presence on multiple platforms, GMB brings their search management to one hub. 

Along with being a management platform for companies, it also is an engagement platform that allows owners to share news and events, post photos, and interact with customers. 


Google My Business brings together all the ways Google can help your business shine in one place:

  • Update your business info on Search, Maps and Google+ from one place to make it easy for customers to get in touch
  • Add beautiful photos of your business and a virtual tour of your business interior to help customers see what makes your business unique
  • Connect directly with your fans and customers by sharing news, events and other important updates from your Google+ page
  • Stay on top of reviews from across the web, and respond to Google reviews
  • Understand how people find and interact with your business using custom insights and integration with AdWords Express

The Evolution of Social Networks

Date: 2015-2018


Google+ was the wild west, allowing all content to be viewed equally. A spam post could get the same visibility as an engaging video from a non-profit.

Early versions of Facebook and Twitter had the same problem. However, both social networks adjusted their algorithms to provide users with more relevant content. Google+ never adjusted and engagement suffered. 

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ thrive on engagement. No engagement = no ad revenue.

Today, everyone focuses on responding to reviews in GMB. It’s the clearest path to engagement. But, metrics inside of the Insights dashboard show that Google also cares about KPIs like photo and post views, actions, etc.


“For more than a year now since [Twitter] enhanced our timeline to show the best Tweets for you first, we have worked to improve the underlying algorithms in order to surface content that is even more relevant to you.” (source)


“In mid-2015, Facebook introduced a major algorithm change that pivoted readers away from journalism and news, to deliver more updates from their friends and family. The change was couched in friendly language suggesting Facebook was trying to make sure users didn’t miss stories from friends.” (source)

Google+ Shuts Down

Date: April 2019


Google+ shuts down in April 2019. Google+ suffered from a data leak and, instead of fixing the leak, Google shut down the product.

Other social media networks like Facebook have experienced data leaks. However, Facebook’s user engagement made it worth fixing and continuing the service. The user engagement on Google+ was so low (less than 5 seconds a session) that they felt it wasn’t worth saving.

However, Google’s social efforts didn’t completely die with Google+. It’s at this point that we see features and principles implemented on Google+ begin to migrate to Google My Business.


“The consumer version of Google+ currently has low usage and engagement: 90 percent of Google+ user sessions are less than five seconds.” (source)


“A study from Stone Temple Consulting revealed that 90% of people registered on Google+ had never posted anything on the platform.” (source)


“So the light goes out on Google+, in my opinion, Google is preparing other features to overcome this, especially for businesses. Local SEO is becoming a major challenge for businesses, Google My Business takes a dimension a little more specific. It is a very effective tool for local SEO that allows real optimization of timing, especially for data management. In short, we can say that Google My Business is a must for local SEO for organizations and companies.” (source)


Google Stays Social

Date: 2019-2021


Google My Business continues to look more and more like a social network. Not a typical people-centered network, but a network between people and local businesses.

Google My Business is Social, disguised as Search. Google recognizes that people want to be more connected to the business they love. They also recognize that social proof is a powerful motivator for consumers. The features added to Google My Business during this time help accomplish these two goals.

Google appears to be rewarding users who take advantage of these social features. For example, a recent study shows a massive correlation between profiles that have at least 100 images and increases in profile view and action metrics.

Features designed to add a social feel to GMB:

  • Adding feeds for local business updates to Google Maps
    • We actually see this “feed” strategy implemented across multiple products. For example, Google Pay has a feed similar to the feed in Venmo, where you can connect directly with the people and business whom you have sent money to.
    • Also, the Discover tab in the Google app could be considered the feed for Search, taking your recent search history and presenting you with additional content based on your history.
  • Posts and Q&A to Google My Business,
  • Messaging in Google My Business
  • An increasing number of “attributes” that can be used by owners to describe their businesses. For example, a business can label themselves “LGBTQ+ friendly”
    • Google+ was designed around passions, and people could discover and connect with others who had similar passions. Attributes in Google My Business work in a similar way, where people can connect with businesses that are, for example, LGBTQ+ friendly, veteran or women-led, handicap accessible, etc. 


“Well, Google+ itself may have failed, but Google is slowly and subtly rebuilding it, in a sense, right before our eyes. You just have to zoom out a little to see the forest for the trees and put the pieces together.” (source)


“Google officially pulled the plug on its high-profile Google+ service in the spring of 2019, as you may recall — though, interestingly enough, it actually announced the timing of that shutdown exactly two years ago today. At the time, it seemed like the end of Google’s social ambitions. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that wasn’t entirely right.”  (source)


“But fast-forward to today, and what do we see once more? Yep, you guessed it: Google building systems designed to encourage you to stick within its own ecosystem when you want to share something instead of instinctively hopping over to a more traditional social service.” (source)


“The feed shows you the latest reviews, photos, and posts added to Google Maps by local experts and people you follow as well as food and drink merchants, and articles from publishers. … [It] brings together helpful local information and tailors it to your selected interests.” (source)


“Facebook is like a very big party, where you know everyone already. But Google+ is a smaller, more intimate party filled with people you don’t know yet — but who have interesting things to say on a variety of topics. If Facebook is for friends and family, Twitter is for sharing thoughts and opinions and LinkedIn is for self-promotion — then Google+ is for talking about things you’re most passionate about with new and exciting people.” (source)


“There’s little that compares to the feeling of walking into a place and being immediately comfortable—your shoulders loosen, your breathing slows, you physically relax, knowing you can be yourself. Finding those spaces has often been hard for the LGBTQ+ community. We want to help celebrate those spaces of belonging and make them easier to find.” (source)


“Businesses with more than 100 images get 520% more calls than the average business, while those with just one image get 71% fewer.

  • Businesses with more than 100 images get 2,717% more direction requests than the average business, while those with just one get 75% fewer.
  • Businesses with more than 100 images get 1,065% more website clicks than the average business, while those with just one get 65% fewer” (source)


What Does This All Mean?

Date: 2021-


Google’s push to make Google My Business more social is part of a larger strategy to create zero-click searches, where a user’s questions are answered without going to a website. This zero-click search strategy increases engagement on Google products, which increases their ad revenue.

Examples of this include:

  • Featured Snippets and People Also Ask boxes
  • Hotel and Flight reservation ads
  • AMP
    • The click goes to the AMP URL managed by Google, not to the actual website
  • The “Discover” tab in the Google App
    • Currently uses AMP pages
  • Click to call and direction actions within local search
  • Car dealership inventories on GMB listings

56% of actions on GMB listings are visits to the website. This lines up with Rand Fishkin’s data that 50% of searches are zero-click searches. 

As a general strategy, businesses should use Google My Business as if the website doesn’t exist. They should ask themselves, “Assuming that GMB is the only marketing channel available, what would you do?”



“On average, 56% of actions on GMB listings are website visits” (source)


“Last year, as part of our continued efforts to help connect businesses with potential customers, we began working with select car dealers and data providers in the U.S. to pilot new ways for dealerships to showcase their cars for sale directly on their Business Profiles in Search. We’ve heard from potential car buyers that surfacing this inventory information directly on Google helps them quickly explore and compare available cars, leading to more qualified leads for dealers. Dealers and related businesses can fill out a partner interest form if they’d like to learn more about this opportunity. The car inventory information is powered by feeds shared directly from dealers or their data providers. Google is not charging a fee for this feature.”  (source)


Wrapping It All Up

Recognizing the import of Google’s moves and understanding the implications of their zero-click model is critical to a successful digital strategy. Winning the SEO game means adapting along with the industry behemoth and embracing Google My Business as a key component of your digital marketing arsenal. We believe GMB will continue to be an ever larger driver of digital engagement in the future, and nobody can afford to ignore it. 


Collins Commercial Services

Collins Commercial Services

There’s not much Chad Collins doesn’t know about upgrading HVAC systems, maintaining commercial buildings, and handling plumbing repairs large and small. By focusing on his core competencies, he took a modestly successful family-owned business and grew it into a plumbing, HVAC, and facilities management powerhouse known in the Scottsdale, Arizona area for impeccable service, expert technicians, and fair and honest pricing. With his business humming along and positive reviews trickling in steadily, Chad realized there was a larger opportunity outside the Scottsdale market. Businesses all over the Southwest and even the nation were hungry for the type of comprehensive expertise and service that Collins Commercial Services could provide, and Chad knew he could deliver on a broader scale. He also knew he’d need some help. 

Word of mouth recommendations had always been a terrific source of local business for Collins, but Chad realized he’d need to step up his game as he expanded into new territory and targeted major national retailers. And he couldn’t take his eye off the ball—he knew how to deliver on the promise of exceptional commercial services, but he wasn’t a marketing expert. That’s where NEXT came in. 

Chad initially engaged NEXT to provide fractional marketing services to facilitate the market expansion he envisioned. As that project began to gather steam and realize success, it became clear that NEXT could also help in other arenas; soon, NEXT executives were offering solutions for HR and IT challenges as well, and what started as a narrowly defined marketing relationship blossomed into an incredibly productive multi-disciplinary partnership. NEXT is proud to have played a supporting role in Collins’ explosive growth. Key to the relationship has been NEXT’s ability to work with Chad and his management team to facilitate growth while maintaining the company’s core DNA and culture. 

Getting the Word Out—Fractional Marketing Services

When Chad initially tapped NEXT to help with marketing, he knew he needed targeted expertise to reach potential customers across an expanding footprint in an efficient and cost-effective way. NEXT executives created a plan to transform Collins’ digital presence, quickly assembling a team of fractional experts to handle web design, branding, review management, and digital infrastructure. NEXT’s ability to pull in the right professionals on a fractional basis allowed them to optimize the project, and in short order the team had revamped the website, achieved Google certification, launched a successful email outreach effort, and created digital management dashboards. 

Filling the Talent Gap—Fractional HR Services

With new business in new markets, Collins quickly saw a need to recruit highly qualified candidates to fill out growing service teams. In a tight labor market, Collins needed a targeted plan to onboard talent quickly. The company also needed support with employee relations, employment law, and navigating the complexities of COVID from the HR perspective. 

NEXT pulled in HR expertise to focus on staffing hurdles, and developed a plan that delivered over 5x more qualified candidates for critical, hard-to-find roles. The HR specialists then partnered with internal teams at Collins to launch a company-wide engagement survey aimed at identifying the greatest areas of opportunity for process improvement and human capital investment. Together, they prioritized projects for communications, training and development, and performance management to drive increases in employee satisfaction and retention. NEXT HR professionals continue to provide ongoing support for Collins as they grow and navigate a shifting employer landscape. 

Updating the Systems and Processes—Fractional IT Services

WIth marketing and HR initiatives in place, the book of business for Collins Commercial Services began to grow bigger, broader, and deeper. Building relationships with major national retailers and managing teams across a wide geographic footprint while retaining their high level of service for customers in their hometown created new management challenges for Collins. Chad knew he needed IT solutions, and he knew that NEXT could meet this new challenge. 

NEXT IT specialists revamped technology services for Collins; by automating and integrating processes and building robust management platforms, the team has positioned Collins for continued growth and success now and in the future.

Key Takeaways:


NEXT led the expansion of a regional SMB service company to a national, enterprise-level organization–overseeing the development of a new website, digital materials, and outreach strategies. 

Brand Identity

Through communication and automation, NEXT helped a 30 year old local service company quadruple their 5-star reviews in just four months.


NEXT developed a multi-faceted hiring plan that delivered 5x more qualified candidates to hiring managers, and partnered with internal stakeholders to drive increased employee productivity, engagement, and retention.


After aiding in operations for sales, marketing and HR, NEXT was asked to take on managing and revamping development and technology services to facilitate continued successful growth.